Covid Response
We were hoping to be able to postpone our price increase that, prior to COVID-19, was originally due to come into effect on 1st July 2020, as we understand these are difficult times for everyone. However, due to social distancing measures affecting the number of clients we can look after, and other unavoidable increases in costs to the salon, we have no choice but to go ahead with the increase to services when we reopen. We also unfortunately have to introduce 2 temporary additional charges which are outlined below.
The safety of you our clients and our team is paramount. There will be a temporary surcharge of £5 added to each clients bill irrespective of service. This simply covers the cost of the PPE and safety measures we have introduced into the salon. This charge will of course be removed as soon as these measures are no longer needed.
We understand it has been a long time since the majority of your hair was last coloured. Due to the simple fact that we are going to need to use more product to return your hair to its beautiful state, there will be a ‘one-off first visit back’ additional cost of £10 to the majority of colour services. This only covers the cost of the additional product needed and we will not be making any profit from this charge.
Please be aware that your hair may need additional work to return it to the colour you desire. We will of course only charge fairly for the services and time that you need and you will be advised by your colourist of what is required and the full cost.
We want to ensure you that we will be following all government guidelines, and possibly beyond, to ensure the safety of our clients and team alike.
Therefore there are some temporary changes listed below that we have had to make to ensure the safety of everyone. We appreciate that visiting the salon for most is a time to relax and be indulged and we will still do our upmost to achieve this. Please bear in mind that these changes are not what we wish to do, but are necessary and everyone must unfortunately adhere to them. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY so that you are prepared for not only the changes we have made, but also for the guidance we are asking our clients to adhere to, so as to avoid any disappointment on arrival and during your appointment.
Salon Changes
We have installed sneeze/cough protective screens at reception, and between backwashes.
We will ensure social distancing as much as possible and have removed the use of some stations to maximise distance between clients (there is a minimum of 1m between stations).
We have installed hand sanitiser pumps at the entrance of the salon and outside of the toilet for clients to use before and after entering. There will also be hand sanitiser located at reception and other areas. Please ensure you use at all times.
Each client will have their temperature taken on arrival via an infrared thermometer. If anyone’s temperature reads above 37.8C we will unfortunately not be able to service you.
Each client will receive a Biodegradable disposable towel, gloves and a single-use mask to wear during their appointment. They will also receive a gown (and protective disposable towel in the case of colour clients). We encourage clients to bring their own mask if this is more comfortable, but please ensure it meets all the required safety standards.
Every team member will be wearing PPE consisting of an apron and a face visor.
All surfaces will be disinfected and cleaned between each client with strong antibacterial cleansers and all tools will be disinfected using ‘Barbicide’ which is the best and industry standard disinfectant. You can read more here https://barbicide.com/disinfecting/.
Every team member has passed the ‘Barbicide’ course for Salon Sanitation.
We are allowing ourselves extra time between clients to ensure the correct disinfecting and sanitising protocols required.
The doors and windows to the salon will be left open as much as possible to allow ventilation and airflow. So if you are a ‘cold’ person please wear an extra layer. The air conditioning will also be on to take out the ‘old’ air and pump in fresh air from outside.
Although it goes against what we believe in, we will be conducting your consultation while standing behind you and talking to you via the mirror to reduce face to face contact time.
Client Changes
Please do not bring any bags (handbags are fine to bring) or coats with you as we will not be able to store them for you.
Please come on your own. We will not be able to accommodate any children/friends etc.
We will not be able to service any children that cannot come to the salon unaccompanied.
Please do not arrive until your appointment time as reception space is limited but we do have an outside area in our garden directly behind.
You will be required to wait outside until we come and greet you into the salon due to our restrictions on waiting area space, even if you are on time so please be prepared. Also please be patient if we are running behind slightly while we get used to all of these new measures, a 5 minute delay may be usual.
Please try to use contactless payment such as Apple Pay if possible to reduce contact with the card machine.
All colour services must have either a blowdry or cut & blowdry booked also. There will be no rough drying available and you would be required to leave with wet hair otherwise.
If you are more than 10 minutes late we will have to refuse your appointment regrettably.
Please visit the lavatory before leaving for your appointment to try to reduce the use of ours during your visit as much as possible.
Please do not self select retail products – allow your stylist/colourist to collect from the shelves for you.
There will be no magazines available to read, so please bring any reading material with you.
Please be very honest with us if you feel unwell or if you have been in contact with anyone who has been unwell with any similar symptoms to COVID-19. If this is the case please do not visit the salon and inform us as soon as possible.
We will only be providing a small selection of chilled sealed drinks. Unfortunately no hot drinks will be available.
Book a consultation and appointment
E info@benjaminryanhair.co.uk
T 0121 236 6600
Maddox House, 117 Edmund St, Birmingham, B3 2HJ
Sun - Mon - Closed, Tue - Wed 9am - 6pm, Thurs - Fri - 9am - 8pm, Sat - 9am - 5.15pm